Experience and Licensing
1. What is your license number?
2. Are you a full-time realtor?
3. How many times have you personally bought or sold a home? In what area(s)?
4. How many years experience do you have? 5+ years?
5. How many homes have you sold in the last 3 years? How many purchases have you facilitated?
5. What negotiating training do you have? Explain your experience.

Working with the Realtor
6. What are your work hours?
7. Are you available if I have a special request, for example if a house is viewable pre-listing?
8. What is the best way to reach you: phone, email, or text message? How quickly will you respond?
9. If you are not available to view homes, what is your backup plan?
10. Approximately how much is your commission?
11. What if I decided to purchase a new builder home?
12. Do you offer any incentive for referring more buyers and sellers to you, and if so, how does it work?
13. How many clients do you have now? What is the maximum number of clients at one time?

About the Brokerage Company or Real Estate Office
14. How quickly are you aware of new listings on the NMLS and unlisted properties?
15. How many staff work for you? Names and positions?
16. What type of home do you specialize in: single-family homes, condos, multi-family, investor purchases?
17. When advertising, do you partner with a mortgage lender?
18. Do you prefer listings or home sales? Why?
19. What other services do you provide? Is there a fee for those services?
20. Do you provide any benefits to the buyer(s) after the home is sold or purchased?
21. How do you handle For Sale by Owner purchases?
22. Do you offer any merchandise or service discounts to local businesses, such as Home Depot?
23. Is there anything else about you or your real estate office I should know?

About Our Prospective Home and Neighborhood
24. In what cities do you specialize?
25. Which areas have appreciated the most?
26. What are the border lines for the local schools?
27. Are there special events in the area I should be aware of?

About the Realtor Personally
28. Give me an example of how you put the client first?
29. What is your greatest realtor success story?
30. What differentiates you from other realtors?